Privacy policy and legal notice

VERTIKALIST S.L. (NIF B64444086) as the owner of this website, exposes in this section the corporate Privacy Policy chaired by compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data, Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, of Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and by Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulations for the Development of Organic Law 15/1999 (RLOPD).

Data Protection

In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, of December 13, it is reported that personal data, as well as the dissemination of images collected on this web portal, will be treated confidentially and will become part of a file owned by VERTIKALIST S.L., duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency and that will not be transferred to third parties.

VERTIKALIST S.L. undertakes to treat your data confidentially with the sole and exclusive purpose of providing the services ordered, for which it will adopt the legally foreseen and necessary measures to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment and/or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed, coming from human action or from the physical and natural environment.

Any modification of your data must be communicated to VERTIKALIST S.L. because the information contained in our files is always updated and does not contain errors. Likewise, by accepting this Privacy Policy, you acknowledge that the information and personal data collected are accurate and truthful.

You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to your personal data or images by sending a letter to Vertikalist, S.L. B64444086 C/ Antoni Gaudí s/n – 08781 Els Hostalets de Pierola – Barcelona – Spain or by mail to

VERTIKALIST S.L. reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy, according to its own criteria, or motivated by a legislative, jurisprudential or doctrinal change of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Legal notice

VERTIKALIST S.L. makes available to the users of this website certain content of an informative nature about its activities.

These general conditions govern solely and exclusively the use of the website by users who access it. These general conditions are exposed to users in each and every one of the pages of the website, and in the event that the user enters their data in the existing forms, they will not be able to do so without their acceptance.

Access to the website implies acceptance of these general conditions of use, which the user claims to fully understand. The user agrees not to use the website, texts and images and the services offered therein to carry out activities contrary to the law and to respect these general conditions at all times.

The general conditions for access and use of the website are strictly governed by current legislation and by the principle of good faith, committing the user to make good use of the website. All acts that violate the legality, rights or interests of third parties are prohibited.

Intellectual and industrial property

All the contents that are shown on the web and especially, images, source codes, designs, texts, graphics, logos, trade names, brands, etc. susceptible to industrial and commercial use are subject to the intellectual and industrial property rights of VERTIKALIST S.L. or third-party owners of the same who have duly authorized their inclusion on the web.

The use, without the prior and express authorization of VERTIKALIST S.L. of the information contained on the website, as well as the transfer of rights over intellectual or industrial property, will give rise to the legally established responsibilities, regulated by article 8 and 32.1.2 of the Law on Intellectual and Industrial Property.

Responsibility for the contents

VERTIKALIST S.L. reserves the right to make changes to the website without prior notice, in order to keep your information updated by adding, modifying, correcting or deleting content.

VERTIKALIST S.L. will not be responsible for the use that third parties make of the information published on the website, nor for the damages caused or economic losses, which directly or indirectly, produce or may cause economic, material or data damages, caused by the use of this information.

Content Playback

The total or partial reproduction of the contents published on this website is prohibited. Exclusion of Liability

VERTIKALIST S.L. is not responsible in any case for damages of any nature that may be caused by way of example, errors or omissions in the contents, lack of availability of the web or the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the contents, to despite having adopted all the necessary technological and security measures to avoid it.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The applicable law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this legal notice, as well as any other matter related to the services of the website itself, will be governed by Spanish Legislation, with the Spanish Courts and Tribunals being competent.

Privacy policy on social networks

In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce ( LSSI-CE), VERTIKALIST S.L. informs users that a profile has been created on the social networks Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Instagram, in order to advertise our services and events.

The user who has a profile on the same social network, and joins the profile of the social network created by VERTIKALIST S.L. thus showing interest in the information that is advertised on the network, you provide us with your consent for the processing of personal data published in your profile.

VERTIKALIST S.L. will have access to and will process the public information of the user, especially the name of the contact, but these data will be exclusively used within the social network itself, without being incorporated into any file.

You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to your personal data or images by sending a letter to Vertikalist, S.L.

B64444086 C/ Antoni Gaudí s/n – 08781 Els Hostalets de Pierola – Barcelona – Spain or by mail to in accordance with the LOPD, but the following considerations must be taken into account:

Access: It will be defined for the functionality of the Social Network and the ability to access information from user profiles.

Rectification: can only be satisfied in relation to that information that is under the control of Vertikalist S.L. for example, delete comments posted on the social network itself. Normally, this right will have to be exercised against the social network.

Cancellation and/or opposition: as in the previous case, it can only be satisfied in relation to that information that is under the control of Vertikalist S.L., for example, ceasing to be linked to the social network profile in the name of Vertikalist S.L.

Vertikalist S.L. will carry out the following actions:

Access to public profile information.
Publication in the user profile of all the information already published on the Vertikalist SL page.
Send personal and individual messages through the social network.
Social network profile status updates to be posted to the user's profile.
The user can always control his connections, eliminate content that no longer interests him and restrict with whom he shares his connections, so he will have to access his privacy settings.


Once the user has joined the Vertikalist S.L. You can post comments, links, images, photos or any other type of multimedia content supported by the social network. The user, in any case, will have to be the owner of these, enjoy the copyright and intellectual property rights or have the consent of the affected third parties. Any publication on the page is expressly prohibited, whether they are texts, graphics, photos, videos... that violate or are likely to violate morality, ethics, good taste and/or that violate or infringe intellectual or industrial property rights. , the right to the image or the law. In these cases, Vertikalist S.L. reserves the right to immediately withdraw the content, and may request the permanent blocking of the user.

Vertikalist S.L. will not be held responsible for the content freely published by the user.

The user will have to bear in mind that his publications will be known by other users, which is why at the same time he is the main person responsible for his privacy.

The images that can be published on the social network will not be stored in any file by Vertikalist S.L. but they will be in the social network.

Contests and promotions

Vertikalist S.L. reserves the right to carry out contests and promotions, in which the user joined in their social network can participate. The bases of each one of them, when the social network platform is used for this purpose, will be published in it. Always complying with the LSSI-CE and with any other applicable regulations.

The Social Network does not sponsor, endorse or manage, in any way, any of our promotions, nor is it associated with any of them.


Vertikalist S.L. will use the social network to advertise its products and services, in any case, if it decides to process your contact data to carry out direct commercial prospecting actions, it will always be in compliance with the legal requirements of the LOPD and the LSSI-CE.

Recommending the Vertikalist S.L. page to other users will not be considered advertising. so that they can also enjoy the promotions or be informed of their activity.

Below we detail the networks in which Vertikalist is present: